Top Ebay Seller
Trusted by Thousands of Happy Buyers
We take immense pride in being trusted by thousands of satisfied customers worldwide. On eBay, we are known as PinkieCupcake and GoldenDuckie, among the highest-rated eBay sellers, with an impressive 99.8% positive feedback. Our commitment to detailed product descriptions, fast delivery, and excellent communication has earned us a reputation for reliability and customer focus.
Why We Launched Our Own Website
To provide you with lower and more competitive pricing, we decided to launch our own website. By eliminating the hefty eBay fees, we can pass those savings directly to you. Additionally, when you shop with us here, you won’t have to pay taxes on the stickers, ensuring even more value for your purchase.
We’re excited to continue delivering the same trusted service and quality, now at even better prices.

Why choose us
Our promise to you
We are dedicated to ensuring excellence in every transaction. Your orders will be processed instantly to within 3 hours, with a maximum processing time of 24 hours in the rare case of technical difficulties or other unforeseen circumstances beyond our control.
Your satisfaction is our priority, and we are driven to provide the best service and value. Trust us to exceed your expectations with every purchase.